Sunday 24 October 2021

How to Recognize and break Your Own Rules

 You probably either love or despise rules.

I especially enjoy making rules for myself.

I enjoy knowing exactly what I can and cannot do. It gives me a sense of security to know what my limitations are.

, I'm the queen of never letting down my guard. I believe that the more barriers I erect, the less I suffer if someone disappoints me.

We stop ourselves from genuinely experiencing life when we make rules for ourselves and stick to them. We're preventing ourselves from breaking free from our rule-bound comfort zone, and as a result, we're stunting our growth.

Although we set these rules with our best interests in mind, it's crucial to recognize that they're occasionally based on wrong internal beliefs.

These irritating rules are part of our "narrative identity," which consists of volumes of internalized tales that we tell ourselves. 

They can be little ("I'm not a cook") or major ("I'm not a people person"). In either case, they have an impact on how we perceive ourselves and others.

 Within these tales, we establish the boundaries of what we can and cannot do or think.

The good news is that you have complete control over the rules you create for yourself.

The good news is that you have complete control over the rules you create for yourself. 

How?  By embracing your own rebellious spirit.

It's not as bad as it sounds, I promise.

1. Identify Your Rules

Our self-made rules go unobserved most of the time, but they pervade all of our acts and behaviours. Begin by noticing when a rule is affecting how you go about your day.

Do you have a rule about not opening up to strangers?

Is there a rule that states your ideas don't deserve a place?

Is there a rule that says your moves aren't the best and you refuse to dance?

Is there a regulation that says you have to constantly bring out your flaws by close of the day?

You begin to notice the laws that regulate how you act and think as you get more curious. 

And see if you can do it without being judged. 

Again, we are all bound by these rules.

2. How to break the rules

Now that you know your rules, it's time to break them all and start living a new life.

It is not as easy as it sounds.

Don't try to break all the rules at once.

Choose the one rule that feels the most comfortable to break.

You will feel liberated.

The prospect of things being out of my control terrifies me so much that I refuse to let anyone arrange surprises for me.

We all fear letting go or putting ourselves out there, but once you do, you'll realize just how much you can and want to grow.

Break the rules and discover the new you.

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