Saturday 16 October 2021

Make a Fresh Start

 1. Try new experiences

People who enter the workforce today are viewed as a commodity.  They went to the same schools, read the same books, saw the same movies, played the same video games, and watched the same TV shows. 

What they lack is life experience, original ideas, and world views. These are the elements that will help you advance in your job.

Experiment with new cuisine. Take a look at the most recent museum exhibits. Read books that aren't related to your field. Also, don't be hesitant to take more significant risks, such as relocating across the nation. Life experiences are what enlarge your horizons.

2. Experience Failure

Too many people assume that failure is a vote against them, and they conclude that they aren't good enough.

Failure, on the other hand, is viewed as a guide for what not to do next time by those with a growth mentality.

Every one of us will falter at some point in our lives, from little blunders to colossal failures; to be successful, you must have a certain amount of risk aversion.

3. Talk to unknown people

Potential prospects are waiting for you to approach them. Assume the other individual is shy and extend a friendly greeting. Then, to begin a conversation, look for common ground. If something piques your attention, don't be shy about asking for the person's contact information and following up.

We are fearful of what others may they think of us. The truth is that hardly one cares since they are preoccupied with their own concerns.

4.Change yourself and help others change themselves

Embrace change to remain relevant. What brought you here will not take you where you want to go.

Those who refuse to change and cling to what worked yesterday will not make money, pure and simple.

5. Write down a personal Goal 

William Arruda, author of Ditch, Dare, Do: 3D Personal Branding for Executives gives this useful template for creating a goal.

The value you create + who you’re creating it for + the expected outcome.

People should have mission statements, just as businesses do.

A mission encapsulates who you are and what you stand for, giving your life focus and direction.

A personal mission statement is a strong tool because it sets you on a route to success and allows you to say "no" to things that are causing you to lose focus.

6. Don't Fit in, be different

We strive to blend in with our surroundings in the hopes of progressing, but the person who celebrates their individuality stands out.

Concentrate on what makes you unique once you've identified it.

You don't have to change who you are to be successful; you just have to become more of who you are.

7. Excellent is good enough; no need to be perfect

Excelling appears to be a positive trait. However, if you apply this approach to everything you do, you'll waste a lot of time on things that aren't vital.

Instead, select the items that are worth "gold polishing," and then adopt a "good enough" policy.

8. Celebrate every milestone.

Most people accept their mundane existence, Once you start celebrating every milestone you get out of mundane to an achiever mode.

Concentrate on staying focused for an hour or for a day. 

This helps you ignore those big goals which make life daunting and a failure much more comfortable. 

Every mile stone you achieve helps you feel  better prepared to achieve the big goal.

9. Focus on immediate small goals

As soon as you achieve a small milestone, focus on the next small milestone. You feel the process more achievable. 

This even makes you a little more selfish to avoid distractions and focus on keep moving towards the bigger goal.

Do not think of life as linear. Instead treat it as a winding path to your goal. Creativity and invention are fueled by diversity of ideas and experience.

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