Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Power of Success Mind set to achieve what you want

 Success Mindset gives you the freedom to consider the various options and processes required to complete the task. Individuals with a success attitude always manage to figure out how to make things happen, despite seemingly impossible odds, whether in sports, business, school, or entertainment. 

Some real-life examples of persons with a success attitude include those who have had terrible upbringings but have gone on to achieve great things.

They've all had one thing in common: the success mindset, a mind process or belief system, which is willing to take on any odds for success.

This success attitude is defined by three factors:

1. A Growth Attitude

2. A Predisposition to Look Inward

3. Possibilities for Success

1. A growth attitude is the belief that with time and practice, you can get better and better. A fixed mindset is when you believe that some characteristics of your personality or skill set cannot be changed beyond their current state. 

Intelligence is one such example. 

With study and practice, a person can improve their IQ or knowledge, according to a growth Attitude. 

Someone with a fixed mindset, on the other hand, feels that your IQ is fixed. There will be topics that you will be unable to grasp if you are lousy at arithmetic, no matter how much you practice.

2. This is the ability to gaze within at oneself in a nutshell. Without self-awareness, it is hard to have a success mindset. Make sure you're pointing your finger at yourself in every situation, even when things are going well. Is there anything you could have done differently that would have allowed you to develop in the future? The following are some crucial questions to consider:

• What did I take away from the experience?

• In what ways am I progressing?

• What could I have done differently?

Asking oneself these questions keeps you focused on the future and on the move.

3. The third part of having a success mindset is believing in your own good potential. This isn't naive optimism, and it doesn't imply that you can accomplish anything. 

For example, just because you're 5'5" and think you can slam dunk doesn't mean you can. 

However, if you can recognise the prospect of gradually improving your shot, you can become a better jump shooter. This is the notion that positive improvements can occur if we take the necessary actions.

 Adopting a success mentality takes practice for individuals who don't already have one. If you feel you can change your mindset, begin by looking at yourself and determining what measures you can take to train your mind to think in a more productive way.

Is there a practical application for this success mindset?

97% of people do not know how to sell.

Setting goals or listening to what your mind calls could be the beginning of this in sales. 

You might want to change your scripts, follow up more, or improve your listening skills. Whatever it is, you must first believe that you can improve, then devote the time and effort necessary to do it.

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