Saturday 30 October 2021

Eliminating daily Stress, Worry and Frustration

 Stress has a brilliant way of sneaking up on you. It can wrap up inside you and grow like a Chia Pet until the sprouts become out of hand. 

Physical symptoms such as transient rashes, one-day migraines, or long-term weight gain might occur as a result of stress.

Allowing your body and mind to refresh is one simple method to cope. 

Take a nap - even 10 minutes of snoozing can be beneficial. 

If you were already drowsy, the lack of sleep can make stress management more difficult.

Five Tips for de-stressing in a hurry

1. Make an effort to laugh or grin - even anticipating a laugh will lift your spirits.

2. Check to see whether you're slouching, as this can impair your mood.

3. All of your phone's notifications should be muted.

4. Give a hug to someone.

5. Play a song that makes you happy, or one that makes you happy.

Dropping everything to take a nap is definitely not looking   good when the tension boils over at work, at a party, or in public. 

Stress can also pair up with anxiety in similar instances, leaving you unsure of how to control both emotions.

 When you get into a low productivity zone due to stress and anxiety you get frustrated. Your frustration can make you irritable which can spoil relations with those around you on a permanent basis. 

Fortunately, there are several pointers that can assist you in lowering your tension levels. Read our strategies to relax tension in five minutes or less if you need quick tips to keep your heart pumping at a more reasonable rate.

 If you're detecting a larger pattern, take a longer break with our 30-minute advice or consult a professional to get to the bottom of the issue.

Five minute stress relievers

11. Recognize your stress.

Recognizing your stress can be a huge help in removing the burden from your shoulders, and it can also be the first step toward seeking help.

 When you're dealing with stress, use it as an opportunity to reset your mind and improve. According to researchers, the brain is rebuilding and learning from the experience in order to handle it differently next time.

 Consider whether the stress is a result of a buildup or is linked to a longer-term problem. If it's unrelated to anything, it could be an indication that your mind and body are in need of a rest.

2.2. Stress removing drinks

There are various supplements that can help with stress and anxiety, but many of them take a few weeks or months to work.

The act of walking away for a few minutes to prepare tea, on the other hand, can be restorative. So why not produce a stress-relieving beverage as well? 

According to studies, 1 g of apple cider vinegar can take up to an hour to work its magic, whereas matcha can take up to 95 minutes.

It takes at least an hour for tea to take action. 

Even taking a step back might signal your body to unwind. 

Plus, if you're back at your job after the reduced  stress levels, time may pass you by before you realize it, while you are working at peak efficiency.

3.3. Relax with essential oils inhaling.

Aromatherapy is a common method that focuses on using scents to balance your physical, emotional, and psychological health holistically.

Scents should be chosen based on your unique preferences. 

Use peppermint, for example, if the scent reminds you of your childhood holidays.

Apply three drops od your Trusted Source to a cotton pad and breathe deeply 10 times to use essential oils for stress. You can also buy a diffuser for your home or desk that will release a soothing smell on a regular basis.

44. At your seat, stretch yourself.

Even if you're in a rush to complete your task, it's critical to take pauses during your workday. 

If you are unable to leave your workstation, you can stretch for five minutes while sitting without any assistance or skill.

 Stretching can also help deal with pain and injuries caused by job.

 The upper body and arm stretch is the most basic stretch. To do so, follow these steps:


a) With your palms facing the sky, clasp your hands together and             thrust upward.

b) Stretch for 10 seconds and hold the stance.

c) Twist your torso left and right for 30 seconds and then do it again.

5.5.Exercise with Stress ball at work

Long hours at a desk can easily build up pent up energy. Using a stress ball in between can use up all the excess energy and  give you a much needed physical break from lots of mental activity.

Most people do not realize how much erergy you can spend when you use your finger and hands. Walking is a very popular way to exercise but using your fingers with a stress ball can help burn lot of energy.

Back strain or pain can cause tension in certain people. 

Alternatively, your stiff muscles could be adding to your tension. 

A massager can aid in your relaxation even more.

Monday 25 October 2021

How to boost your self confidence

 Confidence is a difficult thing to gain. We've put together some helpful hints to assist you. Don't worry if you're still having trouble after attempting these self-help suggestions.

Self-assurance is not something that everyone is born with. It might be difficult to gain confidence at times, either because of personal experiences or because of poor self-esteem.


A person who exudes confidence:

·         does what they believe is right, even if it is controversial;

·         is prepared to take risks;

·         admits and learns from their mistakes; and

·          is able to accept compliments.

There are several things you may do to boost your self-assurance. Some of them are little shifts in your mindset; others will take some time to become second nature.

1.       What you've already accomplished.

If you believe you haven't accomplished anything, it's simple to lose confidence. Make a list of everything you're proud of in your life, whether it's a good exam score or learning to surf. Keep the list handy and add to it anytime you accomplish anything noteworthy. When you're feeling down, pull out the list and remind yourself of all the great things you've accomplished.

2.       Consider what you're good at.

Everyone has their own set of skills and abilities. What are some of yours? Identifying your strengths and attempting to improve on them will help you gain confidence in your own talents.

3.  1. Set some objectives.

Make a list of your objectives and the steps you'll need to take to reach them. They don't have to be lofty objectives; they could be as simple as baking a cake or organising a night out with friends. Just set little goals that you can cross off a list to help you acquire confidence in your ability to complete tasks.

4.  2. Make yourself feel good.

You'll never feel secure if you're constantly hearing negative voices in your head telling you that you're no good. Consider your self-talk and how it may be hurting your self-esteem. Treat yourself with respect and encouragement, as if you were your best friend.

5. 3. Take up a new pastime.

Make an effort to identify something about which you are truly passionate. It might be anything from photography to sports to knitting! When you've figured out what you're passionate about, make a commitment to try it out. If you're interested in or passionate about a certain activity, you're more likely to be driven and develop abilities faster.

1.     4. Set some objectives.

Make a list of your objectives and the steps you'll need to take to reach them. They don't have to be lofty objectives; they could be as simple as baking a cake or organizing a night out with friends. Just set little goals that you can cross off a list to help you acquire confidence in your ability to complete tasks.

2.5. Make yourself feel good.

You'll never feel secure if you're constantly hearing negative voices in your head telling you that you're no good. Consider your self-talk and how it may be hurting your self-esteem. Treat yourself with respect and encouragement, as if you were your best friend.

 6.If you're still not feeling good,

Quick remedies don't always work in the long run. If you're having trouble and things don't appear to be getting better, it's worth talking to someone who can help. 

Professionals such as counsellors and psychologists can assist you in developing confidence-building tactics. They could also be able to assist you in identifying any underlying issues that are making you feel horrible about yourself.


Sunday 24 October 2021

How to Recognize and break Your Own Rules

 You probably either love or despise rules.

I especially enjoy making rules for myself.

I enjoy knowing exactly what I can and cannot do. It gives me a sense of security to know what my limitations are.

, I'm the queen of never letting down my guard. I believe that the more barriers I erect, the less I suffer if someone disappoints me.

We stop ourselves from genuinely experiencing life when we make rules for ourselves and stick to them. We're preventing ourselves from breaking free from our rule-bound comfort zone, and as a result, we're stunting our growth.

Although we set these rules with our best interests in mind, it's crucial to recognize that they're occasionally based on wrong internal beliefs.

These irritating rules are part of our "narrative identity," which consists of volumes of internalized tales that we tell ourselves. 

They can be little ("I'm not a cook") or major ("I'm not a people person"). In either case, they have an impact on how we perceive ourselves and others.

 Within these tales, we establish the boundaries of what we can and cannot do or think.

The good news is that you have complete control over the rules you create for yourself.

The good news is that you have complete control over the rules you create for yourself. 

How?  By embracing your own rebellious spirit.

It's not as bad as it sounds, I promise.

1. Identify Your Rules

Our self-made rules go unobserved most of the time, but they pervade all of our acts and behaviours. Begin by noticing when a rule is affecting how you go about your day.

Do you have a rule about not opening up to strangers?

Is there a rule that states your ideas don't deserve a place?

Is there a rule that says your moves aren't the best and you refuse to dance?

Is there a regulation that says you have to constantly bring out your flaws by close of the day?

You begin to notice the laws that regulate how you act and think as you get more curious. 

And see if you can do it without being judged. 

Again, we are all bound by these rules.

2. How to break the rules

Now that you know your rules, it's time to break them all and start living a new life.

It is not as easy as it sounds.

Don't try to break all the rules at once.

Choose the one rule that feels the most comfortable to break.

You will feel liberated.

The prospect of things being out of my control terrifies me so much that I refuse to let anyone arrange surprises for me.

We all fear letting go or putting ourselves out there, but once you do, you'll realize just how much you can and want to grow.

Break the rules and discover the new you.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Idea Generation techniques you can use to get better

 Good ideas can spark growth, development and improvements when implemented properly. Therefore idea generation is considered a separate field where innovation can develop consistently.

Some good idea generation techniques are listed below which you can use. 


SCAMPER supports in coming up with ideas for modifying an existing product or creating a new one. SCAMPER is an acronym that stands for a prompt for creative thoughts, with each letter representing an action verb.


The goal of this technique is to generate a large number of solutions for a certain problem (concept) by a group, with the number of ideas being the most important factor. There is no evaluation of ideas throughout the brainstorming process. As a result, people can openly express their opinions without fear of being judged. Even unusual or bizarre ideas are welcomed with open arms. 

Actually , the more insane the concept, the better. Crazier concepts can actually help break the silos in our thinking and get in out of box solutions by combining various facets of the many ideas generated.

When this activity is done on a wide scale including other stake holders also, the techniques are called collaboration, socializing, wishing, day dreaming, reverse thinking, accidental genius, etc.,


Mind mapping is a graphical method for visualizing relationships between disparate bits of data or thoughts. Each fact or thought is written down and then connected to its minor or major (prior or following) fact or idea using curves or lines, forming a web of relationships. Tony Buzan, a British researcher, invented the "mind mapping" technique, which he discusses in his book "Use Your Head" (1972). Brainstorming, project planning, issue solving, and note taking all benefit from mind mapping. The goal of brain mapping, like other mapping approaches, is to attract attention and gather and frame information in order to facilitate the sharing of concepts and ideas.

Attribute listing, morphological analysis, brain writing, etc., are  very similar to mind mapping, but seen as separate techniques.


Storyboarding is the process of creating a visual story to show or explore anything. Storyboards can assist creative persons in presenting knowledge gleaned from their study. Pictures, user quotations, and other relevant material are pasted on a cork board (or similar surface) to represent a scenario and aid in understanding the relationships between distinct ideas.


Although designing a role-play is difficult, it can be a useful way for determining user requirements, expectations, competencies, acceptance, and instilling a sense of ownership in users when developing a product or service. This is a user-centered approach since users can feel more involved in the design process.

A scenario can be broken down into smaller manageable scenarios or carried out as a single longer scenario, however role-playing is demanding and is normally limited to an hour. Participants and observers must change over a longer period of time in order to prevent biases from sneaking into the research data. Some scenarios can be acted out with props or prototypes to give the participants a more realistic experience. In some circumstances, users can role-play a hypothetical service experience, presuming that the service actually exists, and then creating a prospective trip through some of its features.


Synectics is a technique for generating creative ideas and solving problems that stirs up thought processes that the subject may be unaware of. It's a method of approaching problem-solving and creativity with logic.

Synectics research is based on three basic assumptions.

The creative process can be described and taught.

The processes of invention in the sciences and the arts are similar and are sparked by the same "psychic" processes.

Individual and group creativity are similar.


While his mind subconsciously continues to work on the notion, the participant takes a break from the topic at hand and concentrates on something completely different. This progresses to a period of illumination, in which the participant receives a variety of solutions and quickly writes them down, resulting in the formation of new parallel lines of thinking.

While his mind subconsciously continues to work on the notion, the participant takes a break from the topic at hand and concentrates on something completely different. This progresses to a period of illumination, in which the participant receives a variety of solutions and quickly writes them down, resulting in the formation of new parallel lines of thinking.


In most sectors, there is an orthodoxy — a set of unstated but deeply held beliefs that everyone adheres to in order to get things done. Unfortunately, they are unaware that by challenging assumptions at each stage of service or product creation, they can really allow the emergence of new possibilities and ideas.

The participants should begin by deciding on the creative challenge's framework. They should then generate 20 to 30 hypotheses (irrespective of whether they are true or false). The next stage is to choose a few assumptions from among the many that have been developed and use them as idea triggers and thought openers to generate new ideas.


To come up with a new idea, a simple procedure involving the combining of completely unrelated thoughts is used. Despite the fact that the answer isn't entirely unique, it typically yields a variety of helpful combinations. Many of the products we see today are the result of coercion (such as a digital watch that also has a calculator, musical birthday cards and Swiss army knife). Although most of these concepts are not groundbreaking, they are nevertheless beneficial items with a potential market in society. He relates the structure of a matchbox to several characteristics of a corporate organization structure.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Make a Fresh Start

 1. Try new experiences

People who enter the workforce today are viewed as a commodity.  They went to the same schools, read the same books, saw the same movies, played the same video games, and watched the same TV shows. 

What they lack is life experience, original ideas, and world views. These are the elements that will help you advance in your job.

Experiment with new cuisine. Take a look at the most recent museum exhibits. Read books that aren't related to your field. Also, don't be hesitant to take more significant risks, such as relocating across the nation. Life experiences are what enlarge your horizons.

2. Experience Failure

Too many people assume that failure is a vote against them, and they conclude that they aren't good enough.

Failure, on the other hand, is viewed as a guide for what not to do next time by those with a growth mentality.

Every one of us will falter at some point in our lives, from little blunders to colossal failures; to be successful, you must have a certain amount of risk aversion.

3. Talk to unknown people

Potential prospects are waiting for you to approach them. Assume the other individual is shy and extend a friendly greeting. Then, to begin a conversation, look for common ground. If something piques your attention, don't be shy about asking for the person's contact information and following up.

We are fearful of what others may they think of us. The truth is that hardly one cares since they are preoccupied with their own concerns.

4.Change yourself and help others change themselves

Embrace change to remain relevant. What brought you here will not take you where you want to go.

Those who refuse to change and cling to what worked yesterday will not make money, pure and simple.

5. Write down a personal Goal 

William Arruda, author of Ditch, Dare, Do: 3D Personal Branding for Executives gives this useful template for creating a goal.

The value you create + who you’re creating it for + the expected outcome.

People should have mission statements, just as businesses do.

A mission encapsulates who you are and what you stand for, giving your life focus and direction.

A personal mission statement is a strong tool because it sets you on a route to success and allows you to say "no" to things that are causing you to lose focus.

6. Don't Fit in, be different

We strive to blend in with our surroundings in the hopes of progressing, but the person who celebrates their individuality stands out.

Concentrate on what makes you unique once you've identified it.

You don't have to change who you are to be successful; you just have to become more of who you are.

7. Excellent is good enough; no need to be perfect

Excelling appears to be a positive trait. However, if you apply this approach to everything you do, you'll waste a lot of time on things that aren't vital.

Instead, select the items that are worth "gold polishing," and then adopt a "good enough" policy.

8. Celebrate every milestone.

Most people accept their mundane existence, Once you start celebrating every milestone you get out of mundane to an achiever mode.

Concentrate on staying focused for an hour or for a day. 

This helps you ignore those big goals which make life daunting and a failure much more comfortable. 

Every mile stone you achieve helps you feel  better prepared to achieve the big goal.

9. Focus on immediate small goals

As soon as you achieve a small milestone, focus on the next small milestone. You feel the process more achievable. 

This even makes you a little more selfish to avoid distractions and focus on keep moving towards the bigger goal.

Do not think of life as linear. Instead treat it as a winding path to your goal. Creativity and invention are fueled by diversity of ideas and experience.

Thursday 14 October 2021

How to say No to others - 20 work examples to use

 Saying No at Work is difficult for many as they fear this might impact their growth.

For some it is a guilt which limits their number of Nos.

Here are 20 examples you can use.

Buy Time Examples

1. If I have time after finishing my other commitments, I'll get to it.

2. I am on a deadline

3. I don't have the bandwidth this month. What is the time line?

4. That is not possible due to my schedule.

5. I simply do not have the time at this moment. Let me suggest someone who might be able to assist you.

6. I appreciate your considering me, but I'm afraid I'm already scheduled on that day.

7. I'm afraid I won't be able to this time.

8. I'm already overflowing with XYZ.

9. Sadly I can't right now.

10. I will stop Project Y for one week and do Project X. Is it acceptable?

11. May be Next Week.

12. I am not good at high pressure situations.

13. No I can not do it in so short a time.

14. I have a commitment I cant get out of.

15. I have to consult my boss on how to schedule it in.

Not me examples

16. I'm not sure I can do it, may be Louise can. I'll make a request for you.

17. Why me? You could have asked X.

18. No; I don't have the necessary skills. Why not  X?

19. Why not outsource it?

20. X specializes in such work

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Power of Success Mind set to achieve what you want

 Success Mindset gives you the freedom to consider the various options and processes required to complete the task. Individuals with a success attitude always manage to figure out how to make things happen, despite seemingly impossible odds, whether in sports, business, school, or entertainment. 

Some real-life examples of persons with a success attitude include those who have had terrible upbringings but have gone on to achieve great things.

They've all had one thing in common: the success mindset, a mind process or belief system, which is willing to take on any odds for success.

This success attitude is defined by three factors:

1. A Growth Attitude

2. A Predisposition to Look Inward

3. Possibilities for Success

1. A growth attitude is the belief that with time and practice, you can get better and better. A fixed mindset is when you believe that some characteristics of your personality or skill set cannot be changed beyond their current state. 

Intelligence is one such example. 

With study and practice, a person can improve their IQ or knowledge, according to a growth Attitude. 

Someone with a fixed mindset, on the other hand, feels that your IQ is fixed. There will be topics that you will be unable to grasp if you are lousy at arithmetic, no matter how much you practice.

2. This is the ability to gaze within at oneself in a nutshell. Without self-awareness, it is hard to have a success mindset. Make sure you're pointing your finger at yourself in every situation, even when things are going well. Is there anything you could have done differently that would have allowed you to develop in the future? The following are some crucial questions to consider:

• What did I take away from the experience?

• In what ways am I progressing?

• What could I have done differently?

Asking oneself these questions keeps you focused on the future and on the move.

3. The third part of having a success mindset is believing in your own good potential. This isn't naive optimism, and it doesn't imply that you can accomplish anything. 

For example, just because you're 5'5" and think you can slam dunk doesn't mean you can. 

However, if you can recognise the prospect of gradually improving your shot, you can become a better jump shooter. This is the notion that positive improvements can occur if we take the necessary actions.

 Adopting a success mentality takes practice for individuals who don't already have one. If you feel you can change your mindset, begin by looking at yourself and determining what measures you can take to train your mind to think in a more productive way.

Is there a practical application for this success mindset?

97% of people do not know how to sell.

Setting goals or listening to what your mind calls could be the beginning of this in sales. 

You might want to change your scripts, follow up more, or improve your listening skills. Whatever it is, you must first believe that you can improve, then devote the time and effort necessary to do it.

Eliminating daily Stress, Worry and Frustration

  Stress has a brilliant way of sneaking up on you. It can wrap up inside you and grow like a Chia Pet until the sprouts become out of hand....